Thursday, January 6, 2011

Sasquatch! 2011: An Introduction

The ominous, hairy beast of a music festival known as Sasquatch! has roamed the hills surrounding the Gorge Amphitheater for 10 years now. Starting in 2002, Sasquatch! headlined the String Cheese Incident with a handful of other artists, namely Jack Johnson and Ben Harper, but was a small player amongst giants like Coachella and the (at that time) traveling Lollapalooza. The next year, bigger names jumped on the bandwagon. Coldplay headlined while well known independent label artists like Death Cab For Cutie and Elliot Smith opened. The next year, more names: The Postal Service, The Decemberists, The Shins, The Black Keys, and more. The next, Pixies, Arcade Fire, and Bloc Party. More and more bands flocked to Sasquatch! and more and more fans excitedly anticipated the festival months before lineups were even decided. After several successful years of growing acclaim and recognition, Sasquatch! expanded to a three-day weekend event in 2006. Unfortunately, due to stormy weather, several acts were cancelled, and profits were not as extensive as promoters had hoped. In 2007, the festival shrunk to two days. But, due to record ticket sales and unbelievable performances by Bjork, Beastie Boys, and Michael Franti & Spearhead, the festival returned to its three-day state in 2008, hosting The Flaming Lips, The Mars Volta, The Cure, R.E.M., and M.I.A. in its best show yet.

Since its humble beginnings, Sasquatch! has grown constantly and today, is thought by many to be one of the best music festivals in the country. This year, Sasquatch! celebrates its 10th birthday by expanding its reign to four days. This May 27-30, the Gorge Amphitheater will be filled with a massive array of music lovers, campers, and festival fanatics. Attendance is expected to boast upwards of 30,000 people per day. Sasquatch! 2011 will be the music festival of the century. Don't miss it.

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